How Perfect Marketing “Really” Works

Perfect art is an illusion.

Perfect marketing is non-existent.

What we call perfect (in the marketplace) is merely “right-fit”.

When we see perfect, it is actually a lack of expertise to identify flaws in a given art.

It is with this understanding that companies and businesses are able to create and ship products that are “right-fit” (appearing perfect) yet not without room for improvement.

Every new product release is a testament to the fact that a previous version of it was incomplete enough to create room for a newer version (what we may call imperfect).

From an iPhone to vehicles, from a television series to a book…

When you begin to recognize, understand and accept that perfect art is an illusion, you then step into the liberty to practice mastery without the limitations of feeling like your work is never good enough.

What is mastery if not continuous improvement?

Perfect marketing is non-existent.

Practice your craft, ship your work, improve your products and services and always remember, in the marketplace, perfect is really about “right-fit”.

The work you do (your products and services), what it is, who is it for, and why does it matter to who its for?

That is how to create “right-fit”. And with right fit, you have enough room for consistent and continuous improvement.

Don’t let imposter syndrome cripple you. Your work matters.

Keep creating
Keep shipping
Keep improving

Why Strategy Sometimes Fail

Strategy starts as a method of action to create predictable results.

However, when unpredicted uncertainties arise, what will help you win is not your initial strategy of action, but your ability to effectively navigate that uncertainty – without which your productivity will be affected and your progress, halted!

Now, what goals are you trying to accomplish? And what uncertainties are affecting your progress?

Stay focused on your goals while being flexible in your strategy.

Do not let sunk-cost fallacy cripple you.

You’ve got this! Make it happen!!